Jose Ramos (音乐al 剧院 '11) cast in upcoming Chicago 汉密尔顿!

Jose Ramos in Chicago Luxury.

Jose Ramos in Chicago Luxury.

July 13, 2016

Huge congratulations to Academy alum Jose Ramos (音乐al 剧院, '11) for being cast in Chicago's upcoming run of 汉密尔顿! He'll play dual roles as John Laurens 和 Phillip 汉密尔顿. Check it out in the Chicago TribuneWGN!

September 30, 2016

汉密尔顿 has premiered in Chicago! Jose has been featured in the October Edition of CS Modern Luxury! Check out his interview on page 54 of the digital edition here.

October 20, 2016

Dean Richards reviews 汉密尔顿 in WGN! A great shout-out to Jose Ramos 和 The Academy!